The National Competitiveness Council, a body which reports to and advises the Taoiseach on competitiveness issues facing the Irish economy has just published a report Driving Export Growth. It identifies tourism as a key export sector which can contribute to securing our long term growth and prosperity. I may be mistaken, but I think this is the first time that tourism has been properly identified as a key export opportunity for Ireland.
In his introduction, chairman Don Thornhill said that there is a requirement for various government departments and agencies to work together to implement coherent strategies for the tourism & food sector. He added that coordination was required for public spending on tourism related investment to ensure that Ireland's international tourism profile and offering is enhanced. I have been saying this for a while so I'm very glad policymakes now share the same view.
The report highlights potential growth opportunities in business tourism, eco-tourism and experiential tourism. India and China are identified as new potential markets once the product is 're-orientated' and tourist visa arrangements are made more visitor friendly.
I am particularly pleased that the importance of external and internal transport connectivity is noted. This really is a critical issue going forward. Further policy actions highlighted include the need to restore cost competitiveness, to improve access to finance, to shed excess hotel capacity, to advance our broadband network and to improve environmental sustainability.
Perhaps the most noteworthy idea put forward is the recommendation to merge organisations involved in marketing tourism. This would mean Tourism Ireland and Fáilte Ireland becoming one organisation! However, the report did recognise that such an amalgamation would require the agreement of both the Irish & UK governments. So it's probably not going to happen in the immediate future!

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