IRISH TOURISM POLICY & The General Election 2011

As the campaign gets into full swing, I've reviewed the tourism policies of each of the political parties. None of them seem to be aware that international tourist arrivals are set to almost double between now and 2020. So unfortunately, the big picture appears to be absent from the thought process! There is no mention either of the need for a strong knowledge base to underpin the sector's development. I'd like to see the creation of a world-leading educational facility for the hospitality, tourism and food sector.
Nevertheless, this is the first campaign where tourism at least features in party manifestos.
So which party has the most progressive tourism policy?
Well I think that both the Fine Gael and Labour Party proposals for tourism are a huge step in the right direction. Fine Gael's intention to put tourism at the centre of our economic recovery is critically important. There seems to be no new ideas in Fianna Fáil's tourism plan, but at least our infrastructure is way better than it was 15 years ago and it deserves credit for that. The Green Party intend to introduce a green star rating system for eco tourism and an All-Ireland Walkways plan but that's about it. Meanwhile, Sinn Féin says it has a strategy to boost the tourism sector including developing attractions and amenities but the details are completely absent.

So, I'd rank the plans as follows (with No 1 being the best)
  • No 1 Fine Gael
  • No 2 Labour
  • No 3 Fianna Fáil
  • No 4 Green Party
  • No 5 Sinn Féin


Isaac Chihiro said...

Do you think the party's in the up and coming elections have missed out majorly in the opportunity to capitalize in the sector with a plan that could easily create 125,000 jobs in the next 5 years rather just 20,000 jobs ?
And if these political organisations have missed out do you think a leading organization in the sector cud lead charge with a major plan for any of the partys that come to power in 2011 ?

Raymond Keaney said...

Isaac, I agree completely with you on the employment creation potential. Unfortunately, there is no IFA equivalent in the tourism sector and until that happens,its potential will not be fully realised.