In 2011, during discussions on tourism at the Global Irish Economic Forum, John Fitzpatrick identified the need for a long-term strategy for Irish tourism. This was subsequently endorsed by Forum participants and short-listed as a key proposal for action by government (see final report).

Now, almost two years later, a three-step process in developing a tourism strategy in finally underway as follows;

1. A public consultation has been launched. Interested parties are invited to submit written views/observations/suggestions to support a competitive and sustainable tourism policy in Ireland. These should be submitted by Friday 1st November 2013 to

2. A Tourism Policy Statement will then be finalised by Summer 2014. This statement will set out the Minister's priorities in terms of
  • the contribution tourism is to make to national economic and social goals
  • how that contribution will be measured and benchmarked, and
  • in what manner tourism can best make its contribution
3. A detailed Strategy and Action Plan will then be developed, based on the priorities identified in the tourism policy statement.

Meanwhile, the power of travel and tourism to transform lives is increasingly being recognised by governments around the world. The most obvious example of this is the G20 Leaders Declaration 2012.

This year, President Bill Clinton challenged tourism industry leaders at the WTTC's Global Summit to take the mantle of economic responsibility, with tourism as a game changer.

This strategy review offers tourism stakeholders here, the opportunity to convince policymakers, that tourism can be the game changer for Ireland.

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