I understand that as part of an organisational change, DIT has decided that the current structure of 6 faculties will be replaced with the establishment of 4 colleges. While on the surface, it appears to be a reasonable proposition, it is most disconcerting that the Faculty of Tourism & Food is to be disbanded. Furthermore, in a letter to The Irish Times (16/6/09), Good Food Ireland state that the decision appears to have been taken without industry consultation. From an Irish tourism perspective, this is a very significant development. The government's 'Smart Economy' strategy identifies tourism as a key element in securing the enterprise economy and restoring competitiveness. The Faculty of Tourism and Food is the only such one on the island of Ireland and accredited by the World Tourism Organisation. As I have stated in previous posts, the proper development of the tourism industry requires greater co-ordination and not less. I hope that wisdom will prevail.

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