There is some good news at last for tourism operators in the new programme for government.
The highlights are as follows:
  • Cut the 13.5% rate of VAT to 12% up to the end of 2013 
  • Halve the lower 8.5% of PRSI up to the end of 2013 on jobs paying up to €356 per week
  • Abolish the air travel tax subject to a deal with Ryanair and Aer Lingus to re-open closed routes
  • Reform the Joint Labour Committee Structure
  • Legislate to end upward only rent reviews
  • Streamline governement agencies to reduce bureaucracy and make it easier to do business
  • Provide funding on a once off basis to repair damage done to non-national roads due to recent severe weather conditions
  • Work with the aviation regulator to cut airport charges to deliver increased routes, airlines and passenger numbers
  • Explore the possibility of a new agreement on visitor visas with the UK
  • Prioritise rhe Tourism Marketing Fund as an essential pillar of the strategy for tourism
  • Develop emerging long-haul markets in China, Russia, India, Japan and the Middle East
  • Prioritise event tourism to continue to bring major fairs and evenst to Ireland
  • Develop niche products focusing on food, sports, culture, ecotourism, activity breaks, water-based recreation and festivals
  • Expand the Culture Night initiative to a twice yearly event and update the Natural Cultural Institutions Act to promote Genealogical Tourism
However, the real statement of intent for the sector will lie in the realignment of Ministerial portfolios. If the Department of Tourism is moved into say the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Innovation or similiar, then we will truly enter a new era for tourism development in this country. Here's hoping!

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