The National Tourism Development(Amendment) Bill 2011 went through its second stage in the Dail recently. The Bill provides for an increase in the level of capital funding that can be voted to the National Tourism Developmement Authority, Fáilte Ireland, for the purpose of supporting tourism product development.
The Government's support programme for capital investment in tourism product is provided through Fáilte Ireland's tourism capital development programme. The programme has operated under three broad strands as follows:
- The development of new attractions and the upgrading of existing attractions
- The development of tourism infrastructure, primarily through supporting local authorities to develop appropriate facilities for tourists ie. access to routes of scenic interest, signposting
- The development of outdoor and other active pursuits ie. water sports
Since its establishment in 2003 to the end of 2010, a total of €44.411 million has been advanced to Fáilte Ireland for capital expenditure on projects or enterprises. However the National Tourism Development Authority Act 2003 limits the amount of money that can be advanced by the Minister to Fáilte Ireland as capital expenditure on projects or enterprises to €65 million. Thus, this leaves a total of just €20 million available to be advanced to Fáilte Ireland before amending legislation is required. It is anticipated that expenditure in 2011 and 2012 is likely to exceed the existing cap and this nesessitates an increase in the limit. A new legislative cap is €150 million has now been agreed with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. So that's good news!
It is notable that a total of 97 speeches were made on the Bill when it went through the House on September 22 and September 29.
Perhaps a sign that an increasing numbers of TD's are finally beginning to appreciate the importance of tourism to the Irish economy!
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